The EuroMPI conference has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place September 10-13 in Zurich, Switzerland.
The EuroMPI conference is since 1994 the preeminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message-passing parallel computing, in particular in and related to the Message Passing Interface (MPI). This includes parallel programming interfaces, libraries and langauges, architectures, networks, algorithms, tools, applications, and High Performance Computing with particular focus on quality, portability, performance and scalability. We invite high-quality, full paper submissions on all topics related to message-passing parallel programming with MPI and related or competing models.
Topics of interest include:
- Implementation Issues and Algorithms: Efficient and scalable implementations of message-passing constructs
- Architectures and systems: Towards exascale computing, efficient use of accelerators and other features of modern, large-scale systems, hardware-software interaction
- Programming models and paradigms for large-scale, parallel, distributed memory systems, hiearchical and hybrid models, partitioned global address space (PGAS) models
- Extensions to and shortcomings of MPI, alternative interfaces and solutions
- New, parallel (MPI-)I/O mechanisms optimizations
- Hybrid and heterogeneous programming with MPI and other interfaces
- Message passing interface support for data-intensive parallel applications
- Fault tolerance in message-passing implementations and systems
- MPI parallel programming in clouds and non-dedicated systems
- Applications and Performance
- Performance evaluation for MPI and MPI-based applications
- Automatic performance tuning of applications and implementations
- Verification of message-passing applications and protocols
- Applications using message passing, in particular in computational science and scientific computing
- Parallel algorithms in the message-passing paradigm
Submissions are due May 6, 2019.