Video: EuroHPC – The EU Strategy in HPC

Editor’s note: the audio has been repaired.

In this video from the HPC User Forum in Santa Fe, Leonardo Flores from the European Commission presents: EuroHPC – The EU Strategy in HPC.

EuroHPC is a joint collaboration between European countries and the European Union about developing and supporting exascale supercomputing by 2022/2023. EuroHPC will permit the EU and participating countries to coordinate their efforts and share resources with the objective of deploying in Europe a world-class supercomputing infrastructure and a competitive innovation ecosystem in supercomputing technologies, applications and skills.

The Joint Undertaking will pool EU and national resources in High-Performance Computing with the aim of:

    • Acquiring and providing a world-class petascale and pre-exascale supercomputing and data infrastructure for Europe’s scientific, industrial and public users, matching their demanding application requirements by 2020. This would be widely available to users from the public and private sector, to be used primarily for research purposes;
    • Supporting an ambitious research and innovation agenda to develop and maintain in the EU a world-class High-Performance Computing ecosystem, exascale and beyond, covering all scientific and industrial value chain segments, including low-power processor and middleware technologies, algorithms and code design, applications and systems, services and engineering, interconnections, know-how and skills for the next generation supercomputing era.

The next HPC User Forum takes place in Sept. 9-11 in Chicago.

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