Azure HPC Cache: File caching for high performance computing

Scott Jeschonek (right) and Scott Hanselman (left) from Microsoft.

In this video, Scott Jeschonek from Microsoft describes the performance advantages of Azure HPC Cache.

Whether you are rendering a movie scene, searching for variants in a genome, or running machine learning against a data set, HPC Cache can provide very low latency high throughput access to the required file data. Even more, your data can remain on its Network Attached Storage (NAS) environment in your data center while you drive your jobs into Azure Compute.

Azure HPC Cache speeds access to your data for high-performance computing tasks. By caching files in Azure, Azure HPC Cache brings the scalability of cloud computing to your existing workflow. This service can be used even for workflows where your data is stored across WAN links, such as in your local datacenter network-attached storage (NAS) environment.

Azure HPC Cache is easy to launch and monitor from the Azure portal. Existing NFS storage or new Blob containers can become part of its aggregated namespace, which makes client access simple even if you change the back-end storage target.

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