
White Papers

ChatGPT for Market Research: Transforming Consumer Insights

Discover how ChatGPT, a potent tool for market research, revolutionizes the understanding of target audiences. This blog explores the capabilities of ChatGPT in analyzing unstructured data, capturing consumer behavior and preferences, and enabling real-time interactions. While it offers scalability, cost-effectiveness, and rapid decision-making, its limitations include the lack of emotional intelligence and potential for providing […]

High Performance Computing for R&D

In this eBook, sponsored by Rescale, Microsoft Azure and AMD, we take a look at HPC deployments in support of R&D efforts. In many ways, the HPC solution in the cloud offered by Rescale on Azure delivers an unprecedented amount of power while solving for many crucial and common challenges faced by R&D and design teams across  many industries.

Bright Computing Cluster as a Service for VMware

This whitepaper from Bright Computing discusses how through advanced automation, Bright Cluster Manager eliminates the complexity of building and managing high-performance Linux clusters, enabling greater organizational efficiency and flexibility. And now, Bright Cluster Manager also supports clusters in VMware vSphere—and goes one step further to enable high-performance clusters as a service.

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