Transformative Potential of Confidential Computing to be Explored in SC24 Birds of a Feather Session

Atlanta – Nov. 12, 2024 – Sylabs, in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, will host a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session at SC24 titled Integrating Confidential Computing into High-Performance Cloud Workflows. This interactive session is designed to introduce confidential computing—a cutting-edge approach to securing data while it’s actively in use, not just at rest […]

Intel, NVIDIA to Collaborate on Confidential Computing for AI Workloads

Chip rivals Intel and NVIDIA have joined in a “coopetition” collaboration for Confidential Computing solutions targeting AI workloads. At the recent Confidential Computing Summit in San Francisco, Intel said it working with NVIDIA to offer “attestation” services for NVIDIA H100 GPUs via Intel Trust Domain Extensions and Intel’s upcoming cloud-based trust service, code-named “Project Amber.” […]

IBM and AMD in ‘Confidential Computing’ Agreement for Cloud and AI Acceleration

IBM and AMD today announced a multi-year development agreement to enhance the security and artificial intelligence offerings of both companies. The effort builds on open-source software, open standards and open system architectures to drive Confidential Computing in the cloud (see below) and support accelerators across high-performance computing and enterprise critical capabilities such as virtualization and […]