Results are now in from Extreme Scaling Workshops held recently at the Gauss Centres for Supercomputing in Germany. With 20 participating teams, the workshops were designed to improve the computational efficiency of applications by expanding their parallel scalability across the hundreds of thousands of compute cores of the GCS supercomputers JUQUEEN and SuperMUC.
German Supercomputing Sites Become Centers of Excellence for Horizon 2020
Today the European Commission announced HLRS, JSC, and LRZ have been named “Centers of Excellence for computing applications. Funded by the EC and the Horizon 2020 program, the new Centers of Excellence will provide their petascale HPC infrastructure for developing services for European users in science and industry.
Thomas Lippert Elected Chairman of Gauss Supercomputing Centre
Today GCS announced that Professor Dr. Dr. Thomas Lippert has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing. Professor Lippert also serves as Director of the Institute for Advanced Simulation at the Forschungszentrum Jülich and Head of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre.