From HPCwire we learn that NVIDIA has released version 1.0 of its CUDA GPU code development kit and C compiler. The release complements the company’s recent Tesla TFLOPS workstation annnouncement.
CUDA 1.0 includes new C compiler optimizations and performance enhancements along with additional functionality and C code examples. CUDA BLAS and FFT libraries have been further optimized and include additional functionality and new C code examples relevant to areas such as computational finance and medical imaging are installed with the SDK. In addition, the CPU interface code to the GPU has been enhanced allowing for asynchronous launch calls and asynchronous device to device memory copies.
Developers are invited to download the production release of the CUDA C-compiler and SDK free of charge from the NVIDIA Developer Web site at The NVIDIA CUDA development environment is currently supported on the 32-bit Linux and Microsoft Windows XP operating systems as well as 64-bit Linux.
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