Archives for July 2008

No VMware in HPC?

It’s not just the absence of VMware, but virtualization in general. This technology has really changed the way that enterprise IT is implemented, but has had comparatively little impact on, or interest from, HPC. Chris Willard writing at HPCwire’s blogs muses on why this might be, and comes up with a few examples where he […]

Acceleware not doing well, restructuring

So, I’m on record as believing in the low- and mid-end of the HPC market, if only such a market can be forced to coalesce out of the server ether. I think another way to make HPC relevant to new audiences is to build an HPC appliance that runs one application really really fast, and […]

NCAR plus CUDA equal faster weather simulation, community benefits [UPDATED]

NCAR and NVIDIA have started sharing some details about the progress NCAR has made on their modeling workflow using GPU acceleration. The Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF) is the most widely used model in the world, with users including the National Weather Service, the Air Force Weather Agency, foreign weather services and commercial weather […]

Tata's 'Eka' Supercomputer Now Faster [well, not really]

Tata’s Eka supercomputer, the current fastest machine in Asia, has just set a new bar for its Asian competition: 132.8 TFlops.  The latest run was bumped up from 117.9 TFlops through the work on software enhancements and careful tuning, not through the addition of hardware.  Technically, yes, its faster.  However, its probably more accurate to […]

Rackable to Include IBM Blades in ICE Cube

Rackabale has announced that they have inked an agreement with IBM to allow IBM’s BladeCenter servers in the Rackable ICE Cube modular data center.  The agreement with include the IBM BladeCenter T or HT systems, which both meet the Network Equipment Building System [NEBS] Level 3/European Telecommunications Standards Institute [ETSI] requirements. Rackable Systems sees this […]

WETA quietly building an HPC powerhouse

You know WETA Digital’s work: they did the special effects for the Lord of the Rings series, among other stuff. As you might imagine, all that rendering takes computers. HP announced during Dresden that the company has installed 100 TFLOPS of rendering capablity in 4 different clusters that rank 219-222 on the current Top500 list. […]

Update on the AMAX

Remember the AMAX system I posted about several weeks ago? That story heralded the system as “one of the world’s 200 fastest supercomputers,” but I couldn’t find any real information on it and it wasn’t on The List. I had a few emails with James Huang at AMAX, and he did tell me that the […]

VT building new Mac cluster

Remember System X? The 1100 node, G5-based super built out at Virginia Tech in 2003? Me too…it was number three on The List and I had just recently started using Macs so I thought it was pretty cool. Those intrepid adventurers are building a new cluster, this one 29 TFLOPS, with 324 Mac Pro towers […]

"Will we ever run out of the need for more detailed calculation?"

Video of a talk by Paul Fussell of Boeing given at NCSA — quicktime and flash.

SGI lays off 105 workers

Found via Joe Landman’s blog, a post to this article at California-based Silicon Graphics Inc. reported it was eliminating more than 100 jobs, about 7 percent of its workforce, in a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. SGI, which specializes in high-performance computing, closed its data center and labs in Mountain View, […]