A summary of talks at the Sun HPC Consortium

Josh Simons at Sun has a summary of customer talks from this week’s HPC Consortium in Hamburg

Sun logoIt’s crazy time again. I’m in Hamburg for two HPC events: Sun’s HPC Consortium customer event, and ISC ’09, the International Supercomputing Conference. The Consortium ran all day Sunday and Monday and then ISC started on Tuesday. It is now Wednesday and this is the first break I’ve had to post a summary talks of given at the Consortium. Due to the sheer number of presentations, including a wide range of Sun and partner talks, I only summarize those given by our customers. The full agenda is here.

There are summaries of talks from James Leylek at Clemson, Thomas Nau from the University of Ulm, Thomas Lippert from the Jülich Supercomputing Center, Satoshi Matsuoka from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Henry Tufo of the University of Colorado at Boulder, Stephane Thiell from the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique, and others.