Video: My iPad vs. IBM Blue Waters


Thanks to John West, I was able to embed this video from the ISC video blog coverage. I was watching the video and there I was on my iPad, which is kind of an odd feeling. Just so I don’t have to settle for that one second of fame, a couple of people told me that my iPad was the coolest new technology they saw at the conference.

In the beginning montage, you’ll see a brief shot of me working with my iPad. Then Heike Jagode, a computer scientist at the University of Tennessee, talks with Jack Dongarra about exascale software. After that, Stuttgart Supercomputing Chief Michael Resch gives his views on the conference. Later on, from Professor Thom Dunning from NCSA shows off the prototype “IH Server Node” from their 10 Petaflops Blue Waters project.

Heike Jagode and John Shalf, head of NERSC’s Advanced Technology Group, did a great job of covering the show. The rest of their videocasts are now posted for viewing at the ISC conference site.


  1. It’s “IH” what he says 🙂