Podcast: CERN Bolsters Worldwide LHC Computing Grid with Brocade 100 GbE

In this podcast, we discuss CERN’s pending network upgrades to their Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid. My guests are Jean-Michel Jouanigot, Communication Systems Group Leader at CERN and Maria Iordache, HPC Business Development Manager from Brocade.

Brocade’s MLXe solution met our stringent requirements (we test products to destruction), and will not just deliver a solution for our immediate needs but also gives us a platform to 100 GbE when the time is right,” commented Jean-Michel Jouanigot, Communication Systems Group Leader, IT Department, at CERN. “I do not see our appetite for data waning in the future, so with the addition of the Brocade MLXe solution in our environment, I am confident we have a blueprint for success.”

Brocade MLXe Core Routers will help CERN share 15 petabytes of critical scientific data per year with 10,000 physicists across the globe. It’s a daunting IT problem to say the least, and we also discuss the current status of the Large Hadron Collider and the how data flows through the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. This has to be the biggest collaboration in history and I think it’s a fascinating discussion for anyone interested in science. Download the MP3 or Subscribe on iTunes.


  1. […] more information on the LHC worldwide network, check out my podcast interview with Jean-Michel Jouanigot, Communication Systems Group Leader at CERN.AKPC_IDS += "17984,"; […]