Forbes Lists Rich Brueckner as one of Top 20 Big Data Influencers

This week Forbes came out with its list of the Top 20 Big Data Influencers. We are pleased to announce that Rich Brueckner, President of insideHPC and chief contributor at inside-BigData came in at number 12 on the list.

Author Haydn Shaughnessy compiled the list from Traacker, an influence measurement tool that allowed him to rank Big Data pundits by Reach, Resonance and Relevance.

  • REACH – This is a measure of total audience size. Things like blog visitors, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers, etc. go into scoring.
  • RESONANCE – This is a measure of how much activity someone creates when he/she publishes. How much interaction is there with this person’s content? Things like Twitter retweets, linkbacks, comments etc. are factors of someone’s Resonance.
  • RELEVANCE – This is a measure of how relevant someone is to a topic. Does he/she talk about this a lot? Relevance is a factor of how often someone uses the keywords that drove the search; the timing of the keyword usage (more recent posts are weighted more heavily); the diversity of the keywords used by an influencer; and the placement of keywords (title vs. body).

I have to say that it was quite a shock to find my name in Forbes. After all, our inside-BigData publication launched just five months ago, but I think this ranking reflects the growing reach of our inside* publications.

Is this my 15 minutes of fame? I guess we’ll find out. GigaOM has asked me to moderate a panel on Big Data and HPC at their upcoming Structure: Data Conference on March 22 in New York City. In the meantime, I’m working on getting named to my next list as one of the Top 20 IPA Taste Testers in Northwest Portland 😉


  1. This is a testament to your knowledge base, your ability to connect with people, and your overall commitment to the sector. Congratulations, Rich!

  2. Well done, Rich. Congratulations from the whole team!

  3. Congrats Rich!

  4. Excellent! Bravo Rich!