HTC to Harness Collective Processing Power of Android Smartphones

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This week mobile phone manufacturer HTC announced an initiative that aims to create the a supercomputer by harnessing the collective processing power of Android smartphones.

We’ve been discussing the impact that just one million HTC Power To Give-enabled smartphones could make, however analysts estimate that over 780 million Android phones were shipped in 2013 alone,” said HTC Chair Cher Wang. “Imagine the difference we could make to our children’s future if just a fraction of these Android users were able to divert some of their unused processing power to help find answers to the questions that concern us all.”

Currently in beta, HTC Power To Give aims to help answer some of society’s biggest questions including the fight against cancer. The program was created in partnership with Dr. David Anderson, Inventor of the Shared Computing Initiative known as BOINC.

Read the Full Story.


  1. Sharan Kalwani says

    Love this piece of news! I plan to share with all the folks I know in many different ways.