Documentary: Cray Research at Chippewa Falls

Editor’s note: this video is no longer available.

A while back, we reported that the Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology was sponsoring the premiere of the documentary film “Cray Research at Chippewa Falls: A Story of the Supercomputer” in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Now the film has showed up on YouTube, so we thought we would share it with our readers.

The museum commissioned Twin Cities filmmaker Richard Cornell to produce this documentary of the origins of Cray Research and the birth of the supercomputer in Chippewa Falls. The film includes interviews with 15 early Cray Research leaders, engineers and other employees.

The DVD of this film is reportedly on sale at the Chippewa Falls Museum of Industry and Technology. If you know of a way to purchase it online, please let us know and we’ll share that information here.

Editor’s note: The opening sequence of the Chippewa Falls documentary is from this video tribute to Seymour Cray that I helped produce shortly after his death in 1996.

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  1. Sharan Kalwani says

    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Mark Andrrews says