Video: HPC as Key Technology for NASA

In this video the Teratec Forum, Rupak Biswas from NASA describes how modeling and simulation using supercomputers is critical to the agency’s mission.

Dr. Rupak Biswas is currently the Deputy Director of Exploration Technology at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., and has held this Senior Executive Service (SES) position since November 2012. In this role, he assists the Director in planning, directing, and coordinating the technology development and operational activities of the organization that comprises of advanced supercomputing, human systems integration, intelligent systems, and entry systems technology. The directorate consists of approximately 700 employees with an annual budget of $160 million, and includes two of NASA’s critical and consolidated infrastructures: arc jet testing facility and supercomputing facility. He is also the Manager of the NASA-wide High End Computing Capability Project that provides a full range of advanced computational resources and services to numerous programs across the agency. In addition, he leads the emerging quantum computing effort for NASA.

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