Allinea Boosts ARMv8-A Architecture With DDT Debugging Tools

logo-allineaToday Allinea the arrival of the new 64-bit ARM processor architecture in high performance computing received a significant boost today with the announcement of availability for a key development tool from Allinea Software.

Allinea DDT, is the leading debugger for HPC and will enable applications to be ported to the ARMv8 architecture quickly.

Getting applications up and running on a new system, generating real results, is the day one objective for everyone. Releasing Allinea DDT for the ARMv8 platform means that computational scientists and developers can take advantage of this platform now,” said David Lecomber, CEO of Allinea Software, “We have worked with Applied Micro and their Mustang development systems to prepare for the arrival of mainstream systems in HPC.”

“The scientific computing community requires tools for debugging their MPI applications — not just on one node, but on large scale-out deployment. The availability of Allinea is a great step forward for the scientific community and the ARM 64-bit ecosystem. This enhances the rich tool-chain support already available for AppliedMicro’s X-GeneTM Server on a ChipTM solution,” added Gaurav Singh, VP Technical Strategy, Applied Micro Circuits Corporation.

“The ARMv8-A architecture enables HPC applications to deliver highly-scalable 64-bit performance,” said Lakshmi Mandyam, director, server systems and ecosystems, ARM. “Allinea’s contribution to the ecosystem with their new debugger for the ARMv8 platform is significant for ARM-based server devices. We look forward to seeing the realization of optimized, validated applications that partners will be able to create using this tool.”

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