Allinea Forge Sparks Convergent Science Combustion Simulation

convergeConvergent Science reports that the company has adopted the Allinea Forge development tool suite. As the leader in internal combustion engine (ICE) simulation, Convergent Science is using Allinea to increase the capability and performance of the company’s CONVERGE software.

Our immediate problem was not being able to debug efficiently in parallel – that led us to explore Allinea Forge,” said Joshua Strodtbeck, Senior Research Engineer at Convergent Science. “Now we also use it extensively to improve our software performance. It shows up all the bottlenecks – and the combination of the profiler MAP and debugger DDT gives us deeper insight into the causes of those bottlenecks. As a result of using Allinea’s tools, we’ve increased our performance scaling and our clients are benefiting from faster simulations – running jobs much more efficiently on hundreds of cores when that hadn’t previously been an option.”

According to a newly published case study, Convergent Science clients wanted run ever higher quality simulations in shorter times, and the company knew that more effective development tools were needed to unlock performance of today’s multicore systems.

“We are proud to be a part of Convergent Science’s success story and are delighted that Allinea Forge has enabled Convergent Science to make this major leap forward in the capability of their software,” said David Lecomber, CEO, Allinea Software.

In this video from ISC 2015, Mark O’Connor from Allinea demonstrates how the company’s Performance Reports tool enables coders to speed up hydro, a real-world CFD code.

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