The good folks at the European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) have launched a Call for Contributions to the 2017 edition of the HiPEAC Vision, which will set out the way forward for computing systems over the next ten years.
Published every two years, HiPEAC’s definitive roadmap provides guidance for policy makers and technologists on key issues in the area of computing systems, such as security, reliability and energy efficiency.
“Is this the end of the world as we know it for computing systems?’” asks Marc Duranton of CEA. “For the first time the community is really looking for disruptive solutions: incrementally improving current technologies is not considered adequate to address the challenges the computing community faces.”
The increasingly complex nature of computing systems, and the increasing pervasion of computing in every area of our lives, makes this biennial document increasingly relevant. With cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things, the physical and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly entangled. Non-specialists are facing the need to design their own information systems, and need tools and models to help them do so. Meanwhile, new paradigms such as cognitive computing, declarative programming and new technologies (quantum, spintronic, photonic) are opening up intriguing new directions and possible responses to the technical challenges ahead.
Already used as a guide for policy makers, the draft of the next HiPEAC Vision, due by the end of 2016, will provides input for forthcoming Horizon2020 calls and has set the challenge of discovering the computing systems and applications which will be important 10 years from now.
Join the HiPEAC community in defining the future of computing systems by completing this survey.
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