Using High Performance Interconnects in Dynamic Environments

vangelisIn this video from the 2016 OpenFabrics Workshop, Vangelis Tasoulas from Simula Research Lab presents: Using High Performance Network Interconnects in Dynamic Environments.

“High performance lossless network interconnects are traditionally associated with static environments such as HPC clusters. Due to the significant network reconfiguration costs, changes in these kind of systems are rare and usually happen only when faults occur or new hardware is added. In contrary, modern multi-tenant virtualized cloud infrastructures are very dynamic by nature, and the usage of the resources is unpredictable, thus, the need to reconfigure becomes a requisite. Over the last years the OFA community has shown the potential of using high performance networks (InfiniBand) to boost the performance of virtualized cloud environments, however, the network reconfiguration challenges still continue to exist. In this session we present the work we have been doing on InfiniBand subnet management and routing, in the context of dynamic cloud environments. This work includes, but not limited to, techniques in order to provide better management scalability when virtual machines are live migrating, tenant network isolation in multi-tenant environments, and fast performance-driven network reconfiguration.”

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