Simplify Cluster Deployment with Intel HPC Orchestrator

Bob Wisniewski, Chief Software Architect for Exascale at Intel

Bob Wisniewski, Chief Software Architect for Exascale at Intel

In this video from SC16, Bob Wisniewski from Intel describes the all-new Intel HPC Orchestrator software for cluster management.

Intel HPC Orchestrator is a family of supported products that simplify the installation, management, and ongoing maintenance of an HPC system. High-performance computing is driving new innovations across a wide range of industries—from biosciences, to finance, to cosmology and more. Intel HPC Orchestrator simplifies the installation, management, and ongoing maintenance of an HPC system by reducing the amount of integration and validation effort required to run an HPC system software stack. With Intel HPC Orchestrator, based on the OpenHPC system software stack, you can take advantage of the innovation driven by the open source community – while also getting peace of mind from Intel support across the HPC system software stack.”

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