Thomas Schulthess is the Director of CSCS in Switzerland
In this video from the HPC Saudi Conference, Dr. Thomas Schulthess from the Swiss National Supercomputing Center discusses how CSCS approaches High Performance Computing. According to Schulthess, supporting legacy software is the biggest challenge for moving HPC forward.
“Founded in 1991, CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, develops and provides the key supercomputing capabilities required to solve important problems to science and/or society. The centre enables world-class research with a scientific user lab that is available to domestic and international researchers through a transparent, peer-reviewed allocation process. CSCS’s resources are open to academia, and are available as well to users from industry and the business sector. The centre is operated by ETH Zurich and is located in Lugano.”
Earlier this month, the European PRACE initiative went into Phase 2, with Switzerland becoming a new Hosting Member. As a Hosting Member, Switzerland is now making its Piz Daint supercomputer at CSCS available for cutting-edge PRACE research. The other Hosting Members are Spain, Italy, Germany and France.
In related news, CSCS will host the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference April 10-12 in Lugano.