Dr. Pradeep Dubey is an Intel Fellow and Director of Parallel Computing Lab (PCL), part of Intel Labs.
In this Rich Report podcast, Pradeep Dubey from Intel discusses AI & The Virtuous Cycle of Compute.
Traditionally, there has been a division of labor between computers and humans where all forms of number crunching and bit manipulation are left to computers, whereas intelligent decision-making is left to us humans. We are now at the cusp of a major transformation that can disrupt this balance. This disruption is triggered by an unprecedented convergence of massive compute with massive data, and some recent algorithmic advances. This confluence has the potential to spur a virtuous cycle of compute.
Deep Learning was recently scaled to obtain 15PF performance on the Cori supercomputer at NERSC. Cori Phase II features over 9600 KNL processors. It can significantly impact how we do computing and what computing can do for us. In this talk, I will discuss some of the application-level opportunities and system-level challenges that lie at the heart of this intersection of traditional high performance computing with emerging data-intensive computing.
Dr. Pradeep Dubey is an Intel Fellow and Director of Parallel Computing Lab (PCL), part of Intel Labs. His research focus is computer architectures to efficiently handle new compute- and data-intensive application paradigms for the future computing environment.
He previously worked at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center, and Broadcom Corporation. He has made contributions to the design, architecture, and application-performance of various microprocessors, including IBM Power PC, Intel i386, i486, Pentium Xeon, and the Xeon Phi line of processors.
He holds over 36 patents, has published more than 100 technical papers, won the Intel Achievement Award in 2012 for Breakthrough Parallel Computing Research, and was honored with Purdue University’s 2014 Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineer Award. Dr. Dubey received a PhD in electrical engineering from Purdue University. He is a Fellow of IEEE.