In this video from ICT2018, Mateo Valero from the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre presents: HPC and the Future of Computing.
Europe is going in the right direction with EuroHPC and this must be sustained in the long-term. BSC fully supports this initiative and will do everything we can to help make it a success,” said Professor Valero, noting that much had been done since his previous keynote at ICT 2015 in Lisbon, where he already stressed the importance of developing European HPC technology.
In this direction, he also stressed that the HPC chip design effort must continue for the EU’s security and competitiveness. It should include open-source solutions such as the ones based on RISC-V from the European processor initiative (EPI), whose aim is to co-design, develop and bring on the market a European low-power microprocessor.
High-Performance Computing is a key factor for the digitization of industry, its innovation and competitiveness. The session will address the HPC capabilities, which are used to solve challenges in particular in industry, science, and society. The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will be introduced during this session. EuroHPC represents a joint public investment of one billion Euros between the Union and 25 participating Member States. It will permit the Union and the Member States to coordinate their efforts and share their resources with the objective to deploy in Europe a world-class supercomputing infrastructure and a competitive innovation ecosystem in supercomputing technologies, applications and skills.
Following this presentation is a panel discussion on what is EuroHPC bringing for Europe and for its science and industry stakeholders. They will also discuss the links between Europe’s next generation supercomputing (exascale) and quantum computing developments.
- Mariya GABRIEL (European Commission)
- Wolfgang MARQUARDT (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
- Angelika MLINAR (European Parliament, ALDE Group, Austria)
- Minna PALMROTH (University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Finland)
- Katrina SICHEL (Wit and Word Communications sprl, Belgium)
- Sergio ZAZZERA (Eni SpA, Exploration, Italy)
- Speaker Tomi ILIJAŠ (Arctur, HPC, Slovenia)
- Moderator Mateo VALERO (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
Mateo Valero, obtained his Telecommunication Engineering Degree from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in 1974 and his Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1980. Since 1974 he is a professor in the Computer Architecture Department at UPC, in Barcelona and since 1983 he is full professor. His research interests focuses on high performance architectures. He has published approximately 500 papers, has served in the organization of more than 300 International Conferences and he has given more than 300 invited talks. He is the director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, the National Centre of Supercomputing in Spain.
Dr. Valero has been honored with several awards. Among them, the Eckert-Mauchly Award, by the IEEE and the ACM, the IEEE Harry Goode, two Spanish National awards, the “Julio Rey Pastor” to recognize research on IT technologies and the “Leonardo Torres Quevedo” to recognize research in Engineering, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, presented by the King of Spain and the “King Jaime I” in research by the Generalitat Valenciana presented by the Queen of Spain. He has been named Honorary Doctor by the University of Chalmers, by the University of Belgrade, by the Universities of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias and Zaragoza in Spain and by the University of Veracruz in Mexico. “Hall of the Fame”, selected as one of the 25 most influents European researchers in IT during the period 1983-2008.
In December 1994, Professor Valero became a founding member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering. In 2005 he was elected Correspondant Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of Science and in 2006, member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Doctors and member of the “Academia Europaea”, the “Academy of Europe”. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the ACM and an Intel Distinguished Research Fellow. In 1998 he won a “Favourite Son” Award of his home town, Alfamén (Zaragoza) and in 2006, his native town of Alfamén named their Public College after him.
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