New Paper: Practical Annealing-Based Quantum Computing

A D-Wave 2000Q quantum processing unit. It is a superconducting cir- cuit containing 2,048 qubits, and it is oper- ated at below 20 mK. (Source: D-Wave.)

Researchers at D-Wave Systems have published a new paper on Practical Annealing-Based Quantum Computing.

This paper provides an overview of quantum computers based on the annealing paradigm and manufactured by D-Wave is given. An introductory survey of this approach to quantum computing (QC), together with a snapshot of what is known about performance, is presented. Evidence-based predictions about developments in this region of the QC space are presented.

According to the paper, quantum annealing is the viable way forward to connect quantum hardware to real-world applications. Providing annealing-based QPUs as part of a complete computing platform within a declarative paradigm has made this nascent technology accessible for many users who, in turn, are helping to drive this approach forward. The development of a QA user ecosystem can be directly attributed to D-Wave’s strategic decision to develop a technological model that puts application performance first and that prioritizes demonstrations of use- fulness for tackling real-world problems.

The D-Wave technology development program works in a tight feedback loop with practitioners and users, providing a foundation upon which to build next-generation systems. Because of this approach, we see a clear path for- ward to improving performance, which we believe will allow us to demonstrate broader industrially relevant performance advantages over classical computing within the next few years.

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