Offering Bare-Metal Performance and Scalability on Cloud: The Azure-HPC Approach

Jithan Jose is a senior software engineer at Microsoft.

In this video from the MVAPICH User Group, Jithin Jose from Microsoft presents: Offering Bare-Metal Performance and Scalability on Cloud: The Azure-HPC Approach.

‘HPC in the Cloud’ has always been a dream of HPC users, as it offers ever-ready, instant scaling compute resources and unlimited storage. Moreover, the ever-growing complexity of resource-hungry applications and their massive data requirements continue to compel a natural embracement of the cloud for HPC, Big Data and Deep Learning workloads. However, performance concerns in a cloud environment have traditionally discouraged adoption for HPC workloads. This talk focuses on how HPC offerings in Azure address these challenges and explains the design pillars that allow Microsoft to offer “bare-metal performance and scalability” on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This talk also covers the features of latest Microsoft Azure HPC offerings and provides in-depth performance insights and recommendations for using MVAPICH2 and MVAPICH2-X on Microsoft Azure. Finally, we will also demonstrate how to quickly deploy an MVAPICH2 powered cluster on the Microsoft Azure HPC offerings.

Dr. Jithin Jose is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. His work is focused on co-design of software and hardware building blocks for high performance computing platform, and designing communication runtimes that seamlessly expose hardware capabilities to programming models and middleware. His research interests include high performance interconnects and protocols, parallel programming models, virtualization, big data and cloud computing. Before joining Microsoft, he worked at Intel and IBM Research. He has published more than 25 papers in major conferences and journals related to these research areas. Dr. Jose received his Ph.D. degree from The Ohio State University in 2014.

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