Checkpointing the Un-checkpointable: MANA and the Split-Process Approach

Gene Cooperman from Northeastern University gave this talk at the MVAPICH User Group. “This talk presents an efficient, new software architecture: split processes. The “MANA for MPI” software demonstrates this split-process architecture. The MPI application code resides in “upper-half memory”, and the MPI/network libraries reside in “lower-half memory”.

Offering Bare-Metal Performance and Scalability on Cloud: The Azure-HPC Approach

Jithin Jose from Microsoft gave this talk at the MVAPICH User Group. “This talk focuses on how HPC offerings in Azure address these challenges and explains the design pillars that allow Microsoft to offer “bare-metal performance and scalability” on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. This talk also covers the features of latest Microsoft Azure HPC offerings and provides in-depth performance insights and recommendations for using MVAPICH2 and MVAPICH2-X on Microsoft Azure.”

Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap

DK Panda gave this talk at the MVAPICH User Group. “This talk will provide an overview of the MVAPICH project (past, present, and future). Future roadmap and features for upcoming releases of the MVAPICH2 software family (including MVAPICH2-X and MVAPICH2-GDR) for HPC and Deep Learning will be presented. Features and releases for Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS will also be presented. Current status and future plans for OSU INAM, OMB, and Best Practices Page will also be presented.”

Benefits of Multi-rail Cluster Architectures for GPU-based Nodes

Craig Tierney from NVIDIA gave this talk at the MVAPICH User Group meeting. “As high performance computing moves toward GPU-accelerated architectures, single node application performance can be between 3x and 75x faster than the CPUs alone. Performance increases of this size will require increases in network bandwidth and message rate to prevent the network from becoming the bottleneck in scalability. In this talk, we will present results from NVLink enabled systems connected via quad-rail EDR Infiniband.”

Challenges and Opportunities for HPC Interconnects and MPI

“This talk will reflect on prior analysis of the challenges facing high-performance interconnect technologies intended to support extreme-scale scientific computing systems, how some of these challenges have been addressed, and what new challenges lay ahead. Many of these challenges can be attributed to the complexity created by hardware diversity, which has a direct impact on interconnect technology, but new challenges are also arising indirectly as reactions to other aspects of high-performance computing, such as alternative parallel programming models and more complex system usage models.”

Agenda Posted: August MVAPICH User Group Meeting in Ohio

The MVAPICH User Group Meeting (MUG) has posted its meeting agenda. The event takes place August 14-16, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. “As the annual gathering of MVAPICH2 users, researchers, developers, and system administrators, the MUG event includes Keynote Talks, Invited Tutorials, Invited Talks, Contributed Presentations, Open MIC session, and hands-on sessions.”

Call for Presentations: MVAPICH User Group Meeting (MUG)

The MVAPICH User Group Meeting (MUG) has issued its Call for Presentations. As the annual gathering of MVAPICH2 users, researchers, developers, and system administrators, the MUG event includes Keynote Talks, Invited Tutorials, Invited Talks, Contributed Presentations, Open MIC session, and hands-on sessions. The event takes place August 14-16, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio.