Download the full report.
Panasas has released this timely new white paper “Panasas ActiveStor Solution: Architectural Overview.” The Panasas ActiveStor architecture running the PanFS storage operating system breaks through the performance constraints of other parallel file systems. The comprehensive and tightly integrated solution enables high-performance direct parallel access to petabytes of data while avoiding the stability problems inherent in legacy NAS systems as they grow.
The Panasas architecture scales data and metadata independently and is purpose-built for adaptability and flexibility to handle a wide range of use cases. The Panasas ActiveStor solution automatically adapts to dynamically changing workloads and increasing demands. Its scale-out nature inherently spreads the workload, reducing the impact of hot spots, as well as simply growing capacity and performance.
The Table of Contents for the white paper includes the following topics for you to gain an understanding of Panasas Activestor Solution:
- Panasas ActiveStor
- Panasas PanFS
- Panasas PanFS Data Protection
- Panasas PanFS Software Architecture
- Panasas PanFS Director Node Software
- Panasas PanFS Storage Node Software
- Panasas PanFS Client System Software
- Panasas ActiveStor Deployment Options
ActiveStor product families offer flexible configuration options for each node to meet specific workflow needs, now and in the future. The solution supports mixing generations of ActiveStor products within a
single namespace.
By combining high performance with ease of use, Panasas reduces storage complexity in your data center by consolidating many different unstructured data workloads into a single scale-out ActiveStor solution.
Download the new report courtesy of Panasas, “Panasas ActiveStor Solution: Architectural Overview” to understand that by combining high performance with ease of use, Panasas reduces storage complexity in your data center by consolidating many different unstructured data workloads into a single scale-out ActiveStor solution..