UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation Breaks Data Bottlenecks

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In this compelling use case provided by our friends over at HPC storage solution provider Panasas, we look at how the UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation (CMI) got around a number of hurdles by deploying a Panasas ActiveStor® high-performance storage solution.

A number of critical challenges had to be met including: support data-intensive research that requires analysis of dynamically growing volumes of data; execute growing number of I/O-intensive tasks without compromising system performance; and enable the use of advanced scientific technologies to support innovative research methods.

Project stakeholders determined the following characteristics were required of the successful storage solution:  supports rapid analysis, storage, and retrieval of huge volumes of data with consistently high performance; enhances control of storage resources with flexible workload processing; and simplifies storage maintenance
and optimization with frustration-free manageability

The results of the project included: improved the user experience, removing storage bottlenecks and system delays for researchers; sped up data exploration and discovery, supporting scientific innovation; enhanced control and usability of the compute environment, ensuring resources are available when needed; and simplified storage management for administrators.

“Researchers working on the next big scientific discovery aren’t typically aware of the storage infrastructure  that supports their work – unless it’s inhibiting their progress. A lack of complaints is a reliable indicator that the ActiveStor solution is meeting user demand.”

Download the new use case whitepaper courtesy of Panasas, “UC San Diego Center for Microbiome Innovation Breaks Data Bottlenecks, Accelerating Discovery of New Methods to Improve Human Health and the Environment” to understand how to solve scalable storage requirements for life sciences.