In this slidecast, Sumit Gupta from Nvidia describes the company’s big win with IBM for two DOE supercomputers for deployment in 2017. The two machines will feature IBM POWER9 processors coupled with Nvidia’s future Volta GPU technology. NVLink will be a critical piece of the architecture as well, along with a system interconnect powered by Mellanox.
The Coral Project: How History will Guide us to Exascale
“As discussed in previous articles in this series, there are (at least) three ways in which Governments are forcing the pace of technological development. One is by international research cooperation – usually on projects that do not have an immediate commercial product as their end-goal. A second is by funding commercial companies to conduct technological research – and thus subsidising, at taxpayers’ expense, the creation or strengthening of technical expertise within commercial companies. The third is subsidy by the back door, through military and civil procurement contracts.”
CORAL Seeks Proposals for Mira, Sequoia, and Titan Follow-on Supercomputers
As a three-way collaboration, the CORAL project is collaborative DOE effort to replace today’s Sequoia, Titan, and Mira supercomputers. In this video, LLNL CTO Bronis R. de Supinski describes the objectives of CORAL and how it will lead to Livermore’s next-generation supercomputer.