The GENESYS project applied Optalysys’s unique optical processing technology to perform large-scale DNA sequence alignment. “The collaboration with EI has been a great success,” said Dr. Nick New, founder and CEO of Optalysys. “We have demonstrated the technology at several international conferences including Advances in Genome Biology and Technology, Plant and Animal Genome Conference and Genome 10K/Genome Science, to an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response. We are looking forward to continuing our strong relationship with EI through the beta program and beyond.”
Optalysys Optical Processing Achieves 90 percent energy savings for DNA Sequence Alignment
Earlham Institute Moves HPC Workloads to Iceland
In this video, Dr Tim Stitt from the Earlham Institute describes why moving their HPC workload to Iceland made economic sense. Through the Verne Global datacenter, the Earlham Institute will have access to one of the world’s most reliable power grids producing 100% geothermal and hydro-electric renewable energy. As EI’s HPC analysis requirements continue to grow, Verne Global will enable the institute to save up to 70% in energy costs (based on 14p to 4p KWH rate and with no additional power for cooling, significantly benefiting the organization in their advanced genomics and bioinformatics research of living systems.
Earlham Institute Tests Green HPC from Verne Global in Iceland
“As more organizations turn to high performance computing to process large data sets, demand is growing for scalable and secure data centre solutions. The source, availability and reliability of the power grid infrastructure is becoming a critical factor in a data centre site selection decision,” said Jeff Monroe, CEO at Verne Global. “Verne Global is able to deliver EI a forward-thinking path for growth with a solution that combines unparalleled costs savings with operational efficiencies to support their data-intensive research.”