“Polymer components in liquid cooling systems are attractive for several reasons: they are lightweight, typically less expensive than metal counterparts, and are impervious to corrosion that can render parts inoperable or introduce debris into flow paths. The challenges with many polymers used to date, however, are their abilities to handle high temperatures and physical stressors without deforming, cracking or creeping. These shortcomings become significant when leaks occur, leading to downtime or damage to equipment.”
Podcast: ExaScale is a 4-way Competition
In this podcast, the RadioFree team discusses the 4-way competition for Exascale computing between the US, China, Japan, and Europe. “The European effort is targeting 2 pre-exa installation in the coming months, and 2 actual ExaScale installations in the 2022-2023 timeframe at least one of which will be based on European technology.”