Jordi Blasco from HPC Now! gave this talk at HPCKP’19. “Jordi Blasco has developed a new open source monitoring tool which allows the HPC user support teams to identify new opportunities to improve the efficiency of the codes being executed on HPC resources. Earlier adopters of this new tool, and through the continuous monitoring of jobs efficiency, have been able to improve the scalability and performance of several codes and workflows.”
Are Platform Configuration Problems Degrading Your Application’s Performance?
The Intel VTune™ Amplifier Platform Profiler on Windows* and Linux* systems shows you critical data about the running platform that help identify common system configuration errors that may be causing performance issues and bottlenecks. Fixing these issues, or modifying the application to work around them, can greatly improve overall performance.
Video: System Methodology—Holistic Performance Analysis on Modern Systems
“This talk will discuss various system performance issues, and the methodologies, tools, and processes used to solve them. The focus is on single systems (any operating system), including single cloud instances, and quickly locating performance issues or exonerating the system. Many methodologies will be discussed, along with recommendations for their implementation, which may be as documented checklists of tools, or custom dashboards of supporting metrics. In general, you will learn to think differently about your systems, and how to ask better questions.”