HPC + Ai: Machine Learning Models in Scientific Computing

Steve Oberlin from NVIDIA gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “Clearly, AI has benefited greatly from HPC. Now, AI methods and tools are starting to be applied to HPC applications to great effect. This talk will describe an emerging workflow that uses traditional numeric simulation codes to generate synthetic data sets to train machine learning algorithms, then employs the resulting AI models to predict the computed results, often with dramatic gains in efficiency, performance, and even accuracy.”

Call for Papers: New York Scientific Data Summit

The New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place August 14-17 in New York City.

Scientific Cloud Computing Lags Behind the Enterprise

“In business and commercial computing, momentum towards cloud and big data has already built up to the point where it is unstoppable. In technical computing, the growth of the Internet of Things is pressing towards convergence of technologies, but obstacles remain, in that HPC and big data have evolved different hardware and software systems while Open Stack, the Open Source cloud computing platform, does not work well with HPC.”