insideHPC Research Report – GPU Accelerators

In this research report, we reveal recent research showing that customers are feeling the need for speed—i.e. they’re looking for more processing cores. Not surprisingly, we found that they’re investing more money in accelerators like GPUs and moreover are seeing solid positive results from using GPUs. In the balance of this report, we take a look at the newest GPU tech from NVIDIA and how it performs vs. traditional servers and earlier GPU products. Download this guide to learn more.

Five Essential Strategies for Successful HPC Cluster

A successful HPC cluster is a powerful asset for an organization. At the same time, these powerful racks present a multifaceted resource to manage. If not properly managed, software complexity, cluster growth, scalability, and system heterogeneity can introduce project delays and reduce the overall productivity of an organization. At the same time, cloud computing models as well as the processing of Hadoop workloads are emerging challenges that can stifle business agility if not properly implemented. The following essential strategies are guidelines for the effective operation of an HPC cluster resource. Download this IHPC guide to learn more.

insideHPC Guide to Deep Learning

Deep learning is a method of creating artificial intelligence systems that combine computer-based multi-layer neural networks with intensive training techniques and large data sets to enable analysis and predictive decision making. This insideHPC special report explores the technologies, components and software required for creating successful deep learning environments.

The insideHPC Guide to Co Design Architecture

The use of Co-Design and offloading are important tools in achieving Exascale computing. Application developers and system designers can take advantage of network offload and emerging co-design protocols to accelerate their current applications. Adopting some basic co-design and offloading methods to smaller scale systems can achieve more performance on less hardware resulting in low cost and higher throughput. Learn more by downloading this guide.

insideHPC Guide to Personalized Medicine & Genomics

The insideHPC Guide to Personalized Medicine and Genomics explains how genomics will accelerate personalized medicine including several case studies.