Archives for July 2009

PGI's latest compilers aimed at x64+GPU programming

Other accelerators have popped up from time to time, even in the recent history of HPC, but it seems to me that the development of a really diverse partner ecosystem may be one of the things that could help GPUs stick around as part of the HPC solution space. With companies integrating GPU hardware into their solutions, and other companies developing tools to make the GPUs themselves easier to use, GPUs are starting to benefit from a real network effect.

And that makes PGI’s recent announcement a good move for both them and for GPU providers. The Portland Group is a long-time provider of compilers that focus on the HPC user community. In late June they announced that version 9.0 of their compiler suite has new capabilities — including a set of directive-based semantics that let developers maintain a single source tree — that enable HPC users to get at the power of GPUs without all the pain typically associated with GPU programming.

Univa Releases Planning and Analytics Cloud Product

UnivaUD, today, announced the release of their latest addition to their cloud computing product suite.  UniPlan, as its called, is designed to ensure optimal utilization of expensive commercial applications in cluster or cloud computing environments. UniPlan simulates the project workload for a specific app, then analyses the scenario in order to identify potential bottlenecks or […]

Sun shareholders approve Oracle acquisition

On the 16th the majority of Sun’s shareholders voted to allow Oracle to buy the company Sun Microsystems, Inc. announced that at a special meeting of stockholders held on July 16, 2009, its stockholders adopted the merger agreement entered into with Oracle Corporation, under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share […]

HP Agrees to Acquire IBRIX

Hewlett-Packard announced that it has officially agreed to acquire IBRIX, the enterprise file serving and NAS vendor.  IBRIX was founded in 2000 and grown to 53 employees and roughly 175 enterprise customers.  Their customer base spans communications, media, entertainment, oil/gas, health care, life sciences and financial services.  They’ve been an enterprise partner of HP for […]

IBM cost cutting, software/services lead to Q2 profit while hardware tanks

IBM does a lot of things other than HPC, and it’s fair to say that their financial results are probably totally independent of the state of the HPC market. But it’s also fair to say that a company like IBM wouldn’t maintain businesses that weren’t adding value to the bottom line if they were losing […]

HP aggressively targets Sun customers

HP issued a press release about their “Sun Complete Care Program.” This is a direct shot at the Sun hardware business, and offers current Sun customers free migration and consulting if they consider making the switch. The program includes deep discounts on hardware and software for switchers, and financing incentives, in addition to all the […]

SGI and PSC: The Eadline Perspective

Doug Eadline at Linux Magazine posted a note following our rumor story that SGI walked away from a petaflop supercomputing deal at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.  In his article, Doug does some interesting math.  Given a rumored 1PF target peak performance for the machine and the rumored $30 million price tag, SGI would deliver this machine […]

This Week in Viz – 7/17/09

Randall Hand from, the web’s best site dedicated to computer graphics and scientific visualization, recap’s the week’s best stories related to supercomputing in the visualization and graphics industries. This week he talks about PSC & SGI, NVidia’s fuzzy benchmark results, and state of the art CG from 1983.

Clusters, crawdads, and jazz: Cluster 2009 in New Orleans

We posted news of expanded funding for students to attend Cluster 2009 a few days ago, and I realized that many of you may not know about the event itself. Its proper name is the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (, and it will be held in the French Quarter of New Orleans, […]

SGI Bay Area User Group Meeting

This just in from Randall Hand over at Vizworld.  The SGI User Group Bay Area Chapter will hold a meeting on July 23rd with two very interesting speakers.  Dr. Eng Lim Goh, CTO at SGI, and Bill Thigpen, NASA Ames HECC Deputy Project Manager, will speak.  Dr. Goh will present a series of views on […]