A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri

Last week Emerson announced it has opened its new 35,000 square foot datacenter with the largest solar array in Missouri. Emerson is using the datacenter as a showcase for its Emerson Network Power business

The data center features a 7,800-square-foot rooftop solar array – the largest in Missouri. The more than 550 solar panels can generate 100 kilowatts of energy, or enough to power the average American home for more than three days.

The facility and equipment cost $50M, and is expected to achieve a LEED Gold certification. This is cool and all, but 100 kw is a pittance against what I expect is the total power consumption of that datacenter. I have individual machines in my center that consume 10 times that amount, and they aren’t even Top 10 machines.

I know the announcement is meant to be an “aren’t we cool” story, but I just find it depressing that the largest solar array in Missouri can’t keep even one of my machines running.


  1. […] A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri … […]

  2. […] A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri … […]

  3. […] A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri … […]

  4. […] A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri … […]

  5. […] A new datacenter, and the largest solar array in Missouri … […]


  1. Even tho it is a comparatively small step… it takes all of us one step closer to a more reasonable and sustainable energy use and production sscenario.