Rich Graham Presents: The Exascale Architecture

richIn this video from the 2016 Stanford HPC Conference, Rich Graham from Mellanox presents: The Exascale Architecture.

“Exascale levels of computing pose many system- and application- level computational challenges. Mellanox Technologies, Inc. as a provider of end-to-end communication services is progressing the foundation of the InfiniBand architecture to meet the exascale challenges. This presentation will focus on recent technology improvements which significantly improve InfiniBand’s scalability, performance, and ease of use.”

Dr. Richard Graham is an Architect at Mellanox Technologies, Inc. His primary focus is on the High Performance Computing market, working on OFED and communication middleware architecture issues, as they relate to extreme-scale computing. Prior to moving to Mellanox, Rich spent thirteen years at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in computer science technical and administrative roles, with a technical focus on communication libraries and application analysis tools. He is cofounder of the Open MPI collaboration, was chairman of the MPI 3.0 standardization efforts.


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