Video: Software-Defined Networking on InfiniBand Fabrics

cohenIn this video from the 2016 OpenFabrics Workshop, Ariel Cohen from Oracle presents: Software-Defined Networking on InfiniBand Fabrics.

“A design for virtual Ethernet networks over IB is described. The virtual Ethernet networks are implemented as overlays on the IB network. They are managed in a flexible manner using software. Virtual networks can be created, removed, and assigned to servers dynamically using this software. A virtual network can exist entirely on the IB fabric, or it can have an uplink connecting it to physical Ethernet using a gateway. The virtual networks are represented on the servers by virtual network interfaces which can be used with para-virtualized I/O, SRIOV,and non-virtualized I/O. This technology has many uses: communication between applications which are not IB-aware, communication between IB-connected servers and Ethernet-connected servers, and multi-tenancy for cloud environments. It can be used in conjunction with OpenStack, such as for tenant networks. This will also be covered in this session. The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance uses this virtual networking technology, and this will be described as well. In addition, a network services solution using this technology will be discussed.”

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