With ISC 2016 coming up in June, a number of ancillary events have been scheduled in Frankfurt to take advantage of this annual gathering of over 2500 supercomputing professionals. We’ve compiled a full listing for what looks to be an exciting week in the history of high performance computing.
Events in chronological order:
- HP-CAST will take place in Frankfurt on June 17-18 at the Marriott. HP-CAST is an organization of Hewlett Packard Enterprise customers and partners who provide input to HPE to increase the capabilities of their HPC solutions for large-scale, scientific and technical computing.
- TACC KNL Tutorial in Frankfurt at 8:00am – 12:00 noon on Sunday, June 19. The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) in partnership with Intel will host a special tutorial event as part of the Intel Xeon Phi User Group (IXPUG) Meeting in Frankfurt. This event will provide hands-on experience on the latest Intel product, the second generation Intel Xeon Phi, also known as Knights Landing (KNL). Attendees to this half-day event will be some of the first researchers in the world to have access to the KNL platform.
- The Dell HPC Community will hold their user group meeting at 8:00am – 10:00am on Monday, June 20 at the Movenpick Hotel in Frankfurt.
- Quantum Computing Seminar with D-Wave Systems takes place Monday, June 20 from 2:00pm – 5:00pm at the Frankfurt Marriott Hotel.
- Spectrum Scale User Group Meeting takes place Monday, June 20 from 2:30pm – 6:00pm in the Konstant room at the Frankfurt Messe.
- Intel HPC Special. This Intel special session takes place on Monday, June 10 at 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm in the Panorama 2 room at the Frankfurt Messe. In this presentation, Raj Hazra will explore how new innovations and Intel’s HPC scalable system framework approach can maximize the potential in this new HPC era.
- IDC Annual Market Update and Breakfast will take place on Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30am – 10:00am at the Frankfurt Marriott.
- IDC Research Findings on HPC Use in Industry and Commerce will take place on Tuesday, June 21 at 8:30am – 9:15am in the Panorama 3 room at the Frankfurt Messe.
- Intel Lustre Vision Briefing will take place Tuesday, June 21 at 11:00am – 12:30am at the Movenpick Hotel. Join the Intel Lustre Team as they talk about where we have been and where we are going, together. You will hear from our experts about the roadmap and new and future features we are bringing to Lustre, as well as other topics.
- DDN User Group will be held on Tuesday, June 21 from 12:30pm – 3:00pm at the Kontrast Room at the Frankfurt Messe.
- Lustre BoF. EOFS and OpenSFS will host a Birds of Feather session on LUSTRE in HPC & Big Data: Progress & Experience at 4:15pm on Tuesday, June 21, in the Substanz 1+2 room at the Frankfurt Messe.
OpenHPC will host a Birds of Feather session entitled “A Community Supported HPC Repository” with speaker Dr. Karl W. Schulz, Principal Engineer, Intel. The BoF is aiming to bring together contributors, system administrators, architects and others using or interested in the OpenHPC community project. Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 04:15 pm – 05:15 pm, Room: Booth #220.
- Exacom 2016. The International Workshop on Communication Architectures at Extreme Scale has published its Advance Agenda. Now in its second year, the Exacom 2016 all-day workshop will be held at the Frankfurt Messe on Thursday, June 23, 2016.
- OpenPOWER Workshop at ISC 2016 takes place at the Frankfurt Messe Gold 3 room from 9:00am – 6:00pm on Thursday, June 23. This workshop will provide a venue for the broader HPC community to further understand OpenPOWER technologies and discuss how they can be harnessed for HPC applications needs.
- WHPC. The Women in HPC network is hosting three events at ISC 2016:
- WHPC BoF: Addressing the Gender Gap in the Community takes place Tuesday, June 21 at 10.15am – 11.15am. The ISC 2016 Women in High Performance Computing BoF will again focus the HPC community on the growing importance of increased diversity in the workplace. Employers will discuss successful strategies for improving diversity and how unconscious or implicit bias can impact hiring and promotion. Panelists include Jacqueline Chen, distinguished member of technical staff, Sandia National Laboratories (USA), and Carolyn Devany, President, Data Vortex Technologies (USA). Toni Collis, Director of WHPC (UK), will provide an introduction on the challenges of unconscious bias in the workplace.
- Networking Lunch: A Celebration of Women in HPC, takes place Wednesday, June 22 from 12.30pm – 1.45pm. This luncheon is designed to celebrate the role of women in high performance computing careers. Attendees will include women leaders and young career women in corporate organizations, research institutions, academia, and business. The luncheon will focus on networking, mentoring, and sharing of knowledge, and will be keynoted by Intel. Registration is free and kindly supported by event sponsors Intel, DDN, Data Vortex, and IBM.
- WHPC Workshop: Fourth international Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) workshop takes place Thursday, June 23 from 9.00am – 1.00pm. This workshop will bring together employers and employees from the international HPC community to discuss methods we can all use to improve diversity; from modifying the way we recruit women to small changes that improve retention of female staff in the HPC workforce. Key themes for the workshop include: Career development to give all women in HPC the feeling they belong in the community, and providing concrete steps that employers can take to improve diversity and retain female staff in the HPC workforce.
Register now for ISC 2016.
If your organization is planning a special event in Frankfurt, please let us know at news@insidehpc.com and we will list it here.