In this video from the 2017 HPC Advisory Council Stanford Conference, Frank Ham from Cascade Technologies presents: Best Practices – Large Scale Multiphysics.
“A spin-off of the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University, Cascade Technologies grew out of a need to bridge between fundamental research from institutions like Stanford University and its application in industries. In a continual push to improve the operability and performance of combustion devices, high-fidelity simulation methods for turbulent combustion are emerging as critical elements in the design process. Multiphysics based methodologies can accurately predict mixing, study flame structure and stability, and even predict product and pollutant concentrations at design and off-design conditions.”
Frank Ham is Cascade‘s president and CEO. He has over 15 years of experience in the design and development of massively parallel CFD algorithms and software, and leads Cascade’s talented and growing team of developers in the production and deployment of the CTI solvers. Before joining Cascade on a full time basis, Frank was a Senior Research Scientist and Chief Software Architect at Stanford University’s Predictive Science Academic Alliance Center. Frank received his PhD from the University of Waterloo, Canada, with a thesis on Large Eddy Simulation for complex flows with heat transfer.