Unstructured-Grid CFD Algorithms at NASA on Volta GPUs

In this video from SC17 in Denver, Eric Nielsen from NASA presents: Unstructured-Grid CFD Algorithms on the NVIDIA Pascal and Volta Architectures.

“In the field of computational fluid dynamics, the Navier-Stokes equations are often solved using an unstructured-grid approach to accommodate geometric complexity. Furthermore, turbulent flows encountered in aerospace applications generally require highly anisotropic meshes, driving the need for implicit solution methodologies to efficiently solve the discrete equations. To prepare NASA Langley Research Center’s FUN3D CFD solver for the future HPC landscape, we port two representative kernels to NVIDIA Pascal and Volta GPUs and present performance comparisons with a common multi-core CPU benchmark.”

Eric Nielsen is a Research Scientist with the Computational AeroSciences Branch at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Dr. Nielsen specializes in the development of computational aerodynamics software for the world’s most powerful computer systems. The software has been distributed to thousands of organizations around the country and supports major national research and engineering efforts at NASA, in industry, academia, the Department of Defense, and other government agencies.

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