The IDEAS Productivity project, in partnership with the DOE Computing Facilities of the ALCF, OLCF, and NERSC and the DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) has resumed the webinar series on Best Practices for HPC Software Developers, which began in 2016. To register for the event, go here.
As part of this series, one-hour webinars are offered on topics in scientific software development and high-performance computing, approximately once a month. The August webinar is titled Software Engineering Challenges and Best Practices for Multi-Institutional Scientific Software Development, and will be presented by Keith Beattie (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). The webinar will take place on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at noon CT.
Webinar abstract: Scientific software is increasingly becoming the backbone of obtaining and validating scientific results. This is no longer just the case for traditionally computationally intensive areas but is now true across a wide variety of scientific disciplines. This circumstance elevates how scientific software is developed, independent of the field, to a new level of importance. Further, the multi-institutional nature of many science projects presents unique challenges to how scientific software can be effectively developed and maintained over the long term. In this webinar we present the challenges faced in leading the development of scientific software across a distributed, multi-institutional team of contributors, and we describe a set of best-practices we have found to be effective in producing impactful and trustworthy scientific software.