Introducing the insideHPC Vanguards: Tomorrow’s HPC-AI Leaders Taking on Today’s Big Challenges

With this profile of Argonne’s Bethany Lusch, insideHPC begins a new series called The Vanguards, intended to spotlight up-and-coming thought leaders, creative thinkers and innovators in HPC-AI, in scientific and technical ….

Webinar: ALCF Developer Session on HPC Workflows to Be Held Dec. 11

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will hold a webinar at 11 am Central Time on Wednesday, Dec. 11 covering remote workflows at ALCF. Registration is here. HPC resources like those at ALCF are increasingly becoming integrated with distributed workloads involving data movement and remote orchestration. In this webinar, ALCF’s Christine Simpson will discuss how ALCF […]

@HPCpodcast: Aurora Exascale Update and Other HPC-AI Topics with Argonne’s Rick Stevens and Mike Papka

Last year at about this time, we discussed the state of HPC and the Aurora ….

Sept. 29 Registration Deadline for ALCF Virtual Intro to AI-driven Science on Supercomputers

Sept. 13, 2024: The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will host a seven-week virtual training series for  undergraduates and graduates on the fundamentals of applying world-class supercomputers to advance the use of AI for research. Please share this opportunity with university students that you think will be interested.  The series will be held on Tuesdays from […]

ALCF In-Person HPC Workshop, Oct. 29-31

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will host an in-person hands-on HPC workshop from Tuesday, Oct. 29 to Thursday, Oct. 31, at the TCS Conference Center at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL. The deadline to register is Monday, Sept. 16, 2024. For late registration, email The workshop will provide hands-on time on the Polaris supercomputer […]

Aug. 21 Argonne Webinar on chipStar: a HIP implementation for Aurora Exascale

Aug. 20, 2024 — The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will hold a webinar tomorrow from 11 am to noon Central Time covering chipStar, a HIP implementation for Aurora, the exascale-class supercomputer housed at Argonne. Registration information can be found here. ALCF Performance Engineering Team Lead Brice Videau will present chipStar, Argonne’s implementation of HIP, and […]

HPC-AI User Forum to Be Held September 4-5 at Argonne

ST PAUL, Minn., July 9, 2024— The HPC User Forum has opened registration for its upcoming meeting, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 4-5, at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois. Featured speakers at the event: Rick Stevens, Associate Laboratory Director ….

Aug. 1 Deadline for Margaret Butler Fellowship in Computational Science at Argonne

June 25, 2024 — The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s Margaret Butler Fellowship in Computational Science is accepting applications until Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. Apply here  The fellowship is typically a two-year appointment with a renewal process after the first year. Contact for questions about the fellowship. The Butler Fellowship is an opportunity to lead […]

Argonne HPC Webinar July 17: Getting Started on Polaris and Nvidia Developer Tools Bootcamp

On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 11 amf-1 pm Central Time, the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will hold an online webinar to introduce attendees to the Polaris computing environment. Aimed at participants who have experience using clusters or supercomputers, the bootcamp will cover the PBS job scheduler, utilizing preinstalled environments, proper compiler and profiler use, Python […]

JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Optimization Speedup

June 5, 2024 — In a new paper in Science Advances on May 29, researchers at JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and Quantinuum have demonstrated clear evidence of a quantum algorithmic speedup for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA). This algorithm has been studied extensively and has been implemented […]