Nov. 11, 2024: The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S) Project is supported by the US Department of Energy Advanced Scientific Computing Research Office and is a legacy of Exascale Computing Project (ECP). The packages distributed with E4S contain contributions from hundreds of open source community developers. The top-level packages are listed on the E4S Product Information page These […]
@HPCpodcast: ECP Software Leader Mike Heroux on Building and Sustaining Exascale-Class Codes
The @HPCpodcast is delighted to have Dr. Michael Heroux as ….
Consortium for Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS) to Hold 11 Virtual Sessions June 11-13
WASHINGTON, DC. — The recently established Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS) has announced 11 virtual sessions on scientific software, scheduled for June 11 – 13, 2024. The virtual sessions, labeled the 2024 CASS Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days, are sponsored by CASS and hosted by the Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship (PESO) project, a member team of […]
At ISC 2024: New Top500 List – Aurora Joins Frontier in Exascale HPC Club
At ISC 2024, Hamburg — Aurora, the Intel-HPE Cray problem-child supercomputer, has officially received the blessing of the Top500 organization as having surpassed the exascale (a billion billion calculations/second) milestone ….
Exascale Software and NASA’s ‘Nerve-Racking 7 Minutes’ with Mars Landers
NASA supercomputers have helped several Mars landers survive the nerve-racking seven minutes of terror. During this hair-raising interval, a lander enters the Martian atmosphere and needs to automatically execute many crucial actions in precise order….
Exascale Computing Project: Leveraging HPC and Neural Networks for Cancer Research
What happens when Department of Energy (DOE) researchers join forces with chemists and biologists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). They use the most advanced high-performance computers to study cancer at the molecular, cellular and population levels.
Exascale: Bringing Engineering and Scientific Acceleration to Industry
At SC23, held in Denver, Colorado, last November, members of ECP’s Industry and Agency Council, comprised of U.S. business executives, government agencies, and independent software vendors, reflected on how ECP and the move to exascale is impacting current and planned use of HPC….
@HPCpodcast: Views and Insights on the New TOP500 List
The big news on the Monday of each annual Supercomputing Conference is the release of the new TOP500 ranking of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. At this years SC23 here in Denver, the big news is that the top 10 of this year’s list has more changes than any list in recent memory….
Aurora Exascale Install Update: Cautious Optimism
The twice-annual TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is not universally loved, arguments persist whether the LINPACK benchmark is an optimal way to assess HPC system performance. But few would argue it serves a valuable purpose: for those installing leadership-class supercomputers, the TOP500 poses a challenge and a looming deadline that “concentrates the mind wonderfully.”
@HPCpodcast: Paul Messina and the Journey to Exascale
From the early days of supercomputing through the success of exascale supercomputing, few HPC luminaries have played as important and integral leadership role in HPC as Dr. Paul Messina. So as we observe Exascale Day today, we are delighted to discuss the exascale journey with someone instrumental to the 10 orders of magnitude of improvement in ….