“We’re billing the webinar as a help day for quantum algorithmists,” said DARPA Innovation Fellow Alex Place, who is leading the event. “Building on successes of DARPA’s ONISQ (Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices) program, the webinar’s goal is to spark innovative ideas and discuss new concepts for making near-term intermediate scale quantum computers, as well as sought-after fault tolerant processors, practical and useful for solving real problems. We’re encouraging teams from academia and industry who have expertise in quantum algorithms or a practical problem that could be mapped to a quantum processor to engage with IMPAQT.”
IMPAQT is the first of many anticipated DARPA ARC topics. The ARC initiative is designed to speed the pace of innovation by rapidly exploring and analyzing a high volume of promising new ideas. For more information about ARC, to view the open IMPAQT solicitation, and to see new topics as they become available, visit www.darpa.mil/arc.
The ARC topics are managed by DARPA’s innovation fellows, who include recent Ph.D. graduates (within five years of receiving a doctorate) and active-duty military with STEM degrees. To learn more about the DARPA Innovation Fellowship, current fellows, and how you can apply to become a fellow visit: www.darpa.mil/innovationfellowship.