In this video from Linaro Connect 2019, Satoshi Matsuoka from Riken presents: A64fx and Fugaku – A Game Changing, HPC / AI Optimized Arm CPU to enable Exascale Performance.
Fugaku is the flagship next generation national supercomputer being developed by Riken R-CCS and Fujitsu in collaboration. Fugaku will have hyperscale datacenter class resource in a single exascale machine, with more than 150,000 nodes of sever-class Fujitsu A64fx many-core Arm CPUs with the new SVE (Scalable Vector Extension) with low precision math for the first time in the world, accelerating both HPC and AI workloads, augmented with HBM2 memory paired with each CPU, exhibiting nearly a Terabyte/s memory bandwidth for both HPC and AI rapid data movements.
A64fx has demonstrated up to 8 times the performance of mainstream “Platinum” server processors for HPC workloads, and this game-changing performance has been realized through extensive co-design process involving the entire Japanese HPC community resulting in a highly HPC-optimzed CPU architecture. Fugaku also will likely to be the premier big data and AI/ML infrastructure; currently, we are conducting research to scale deep learning to more than 100,000 nodes on Fugaku, where we expect to obtain near top GPU-class performance on each node. The talk will give an overview of A64fx/Fugaku as well as cover some of the software ecosystem efforts to enable high-end HPC / BD / AI.
Satoshi Matsuoka Director of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science. Satoshi Matsuoka had been a Full Professor at the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center (GSIC), the Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2000, and the director of the joint AIST-Tokyo Tech. Real World Big Data Computing Open Innovation Laboratory (RWBC-OIL) since 2017, and will become a Specially Appointed Professor at Tokyo Tech starting 2018 along with his directorship at R-CCS. He received his Ph. D. from the University of Tokyo in 1993. He has been the leader of the TSUBAME series of supercomputers that have won many accolades such as world #1 in power-efficient computing. He also leads various major supercomputing research projects in areas such as parallel algorithms and programming, resilience, green computing, and convergence of big data/AI with HPC. He has written over 500 articles according to Google Scholar, and chaired numerous ACM/IEEE conferences, including the Program Chair at the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC13) in 2013. He is a Fellow of the ACM and European ISC, and has won many awards, including the JSPS Prize from the Japan Society for Promotion of Science in 2006, presented by his Highness Prince Akishino; the ACM Gordon Bell Prize in 2011; the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in 2012; the 2014 IEEE-CS Sidney Fernbach Memorial Award, the highest prestige in the field of HPC; and recently HPDC 2018 Achievement Award from ACM.