In this video, engineers move the NERSC Edison Supercomputer from Oakland to Berkeley. The one week long move is condensed into :41 seconds in this time lapse video, shot during the entire process. Edison is a Cray XC30, with a peak performance of 2.57 petaflops/sec, 133,824 compute cores, 357 terabytes of memory, and 7.56 petabytes of disk.
ECMWF to Upgrade Cray XC Supercomputers for Weather Forecasting
Today Cray announced a $36 million contract to upgrade and expand the Cray XC supercomputers and Cray Sonexion storage system at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). When the project is completed, the enhanced systems will allow the world-class numerical weather prediction and research center to continue to drive improvements in its highly-complex models to provide more accurate weather forecasts.