While it’s safe to assume that most senior managers in the HPC community are in favor of hiring and promoting more women and people of color within their organizations, many don’t know how to make it happen. At last week’s annual meeting of the Dell Technologies HPC Community, Melyssa Fratkin of the Texas Advanced Computing Center offered this piece of advice: using same-old-same-old hiring practices won’t work.
@HPCpodcast: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategies – A How-to Guide for HPC Managers
Data Vortex hosts Texas Women in HPC Summer Mixer
Last week, Data Vortex Technologies hosted the Texas Women in HPC (TXWHPC) PechaKucha Summer Mixer at their Austin headquarters. A wide selection of topics was presented, ranging from quantum entanglement to the analysis of novels with software. “It’s very exciting to see a younger generation of women reaching out and engaging their peers in the field,” says Data Vortex CEO and TXWHPC Co-Chair Carolyn Devany. “Our industry is one that drives forward so much of human development – it is pivotal that inclusive representation is made a priority.”
Kevin Barker to Lead CENATE Proving Ground for HPC Technologies
The CENATE Proving Ground for HPC Technologies at PNNL has named Kevin Barker as their new Director. “The goal of CENATE is to evaluate innovative and transformational technologies that will enable future DOE leadership class computing systems to accelerate scientific discovery,” said PNNL’s Laboratory Director Steven Ashby. “We will partner with major computing companies and leading researchers to co-design and test the leading-edge components and systems that will ultimately be used in future supercomputing platforms.”
PNNL Installs Data Vortex System
Today Data Vortex Technologies announced that the company has sold and delivered a DV205 system, “PEPSY”, to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PEPSY is specifically designed to solve problems requiring extensive processor-to-processor communication in parallel computing systems.