The Storage Systems for Extreme Computing team from BSC has taken the number 4 spot in the IO500’s ‘10- Node Challenge’ with GekkoFS. “The IO500’s “10-Node Challenge” list is a global ranking that uses multiple concurrent processes running in 10 compute nodes to benchmark the I/O performance of a HPC storage system in terms or bandwidth and throughput. GekkoFS’ score of 125 ranks it fourth in IO500’s 10-Node Challenge List and ninth in IO500’s Full List, with an average 21.41 GiB/s of bandwidth and an average of 728,680 operations per second.”
NEXTGenIO Project Delivers Prototype to EPCC
The EPCC supercomputing centre at the University of Edinburgh has installed a prototype system developed by the NEXTGenIO project. Funded by the European Commission, NEXTGenIO is an R&D project tasked with developing solutions to high performance computing’s I/O and data challenges. “Our ongoing collaboration with NEXTGenIO allows us to develop solutions to speed up time-consuming I/O operations in HPC applications and workflows, leading to faster execution, less use of resources, and improved scalability,” said Trish Damkroger from Intel.
Adept Project Explores HPC Energy Efficiency
“We have been working on developing a number of tools that enable users to quantify power and performance in both software and hardware, and then design a more efficient system. We can also utilize the tools to predict the performance of a piece of software on a system that may not be available or does not yet exist – the aim is to take the guesswork away from novel system design.”