The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro is embarking on ground-breaking energy research powered by a new SGI Computer. The high performance computing system will be installed through the SGI valued partner, Versatus HPC.
SGI Pangea is Industry’s Top Commercial Supercomputer on TOP500 List
At ISC 2016 this week, SGI announced that Total’s SGI ICE X supercomputer, Pangea, was recognized as the industry’s top commercial supercomputer in the prestigious TOP500 list. “Our SGI ICE XA systems lead in delivering application performance in both homogeneous systems and hybrid systems with CPUs and accelerators,” said Gabriel Broner, vice president and general manager, high-performance computing at SGI. “Our production supercomputers continue to enable our customers to innovate and lead in their field, and occupy prominent positions in the prestigious TOP500 list.”
SGI Provides Total with Improved Modeling to Support Decision Making
Total, one of the largest integrated oil and gas companies in the world, announced they are boosting the compute power of their SGI Pangea supercomputer with an additional 4.4 petaflops provided by a new SGI ICE X system and based on the Intel Xeon processor. Purchased last year, the new SGI system is now in production and will allow Total to determine the optimal extraction methods more quickly. The SGI supercomputer allows Total to improve complex modeling of the subsurface and to simulate the behavior of reservoirs, reducing the time and costs associated with discovering and extracting energy reserves.